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Important Notices

Confidentiality: If you are a hiring manager and you delegate access to this hiring tool to someone else at your site to set up interviews on your behalf, you retain responsibility for ensuring that your staff maintain strict confidentiality throughout the hiring process in accordance with Fresno Unified policies. This applies to your staff and panel members who participate in interviews. Information includes details about applicants, interview results, etc.

Reference Checks: As part of the interview setup process, it is the responsibility of the Hiring Manager or assigned delegate to perform reference checks for each potential hire. You should use a combination of applicants' resumes and letters of support to determine the appropriate contacts.

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Tip: For best results, use the Chrome browser.

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(click here to learn why the Chrome browser is recommended.)

This site uses Adobe PDF to display documents. Chrome includes a built-in PDF reader that seamlessly displays documents at correct sizes.

Internet Explorer requires you to install the Acrobat plugin separately, and it does not scale PDF documents correctly.

If you don't know your password, please reset your password on-line or contact the help desk.